- 2013
- Performed right-of-way acquisition services for the
- Claychester Drive Bridge Project.(City of Des Peres)
- Performed right-of-way acquisition services for the
- Manchester Rd. Phase 3 Project.(City of Maplewood)
- Performed contract City Engineer Services.
- (City of Green Park)
- The International Plaza Dr. reconstruction project won
- the ACEC Award for Engineering Excellence in the
- storm water category utilizing the recently
- implemented MSD Clean Water standards for rain
- gardens.(City of St. Ann)
- Performed engineering design services for the Mill and
- Overlay of Breckenridge Dr.(City of St. Ann)
- Conducted Ameren Electric street light audit resulting
- in annual savings of $15,000.(City of St. Ann)
- Oversaw demolition and redevelopment of Northwest
- Plaza Shopping Center.(City of St. Ann)
- 2012
- Completed construction on Green Park Rd.
- (City of Green Park)
- Completed STP application for Old Green Park Rd.
- (City of Green Park)
- Completed STP application for Adie Road and
- Breckenridge Dr.(City of St. Ann)
- Completed construction administration for
- International Plaza Dr.(City of St. Ann)
- 2011
- Completed right-of-way acquisition for the Church St
- reconstruction project at a signature rate of 100%.
- (City of Wentzville)
- Completed reconstruction project of Green Park
- Bridge.(City of Green Park)
- Performed construction administration services for the
- Ashby Road Bridge reconstruction.(City of St. Ann)
- 2010
- Conducted on-going project management for the Green Park Rd. and Green Park Bridge reconstruction projects.
- (City of Green Park)
- Completed right-of-way acquisition for the Mexico Road reconstruction project at a signature rate of 96.3%.
- (City of Wentzville)
- Completed right-of-way acquisition for the Wentzville Parkway and Pearce Blvd. intersection lane-widening
- and signal-modification project at a signature rate of 100%.
- Completed right-of-way acquistion for the Firethorn Bridge reconstruction project at a signature rate of 100%.
- (City of Des Peres)
- 2009
- Completed right-of-way acquistion for the Brookbend Bridge reconstruction project with a signature rate of 100%.
- (City of Des Peres)
- Completed right-of-way acquisition for Green Park Rd. and Green Park Bridge reconstruction project with a
- signature rate of 100%.(City of Green Park)
- 2008
- Executed contract with the City of St. Ann, Missouri to assess pavement condition.
- Implemented Micropaver Pavement Management computer
- software and prepared multi-year Capital Improvement Program.
- Added to the approved Vendor List for Construction Management Services by the Great Rivers Greenway District.
- Right-of-Way acquisition signature rate, to date, for City of Wentzville is 93%.
- 2007
- Mark H. Payken certified by MODOT as a Fee Negotiator
- Pitman and Pierce mill and overlay engineering design.
- Old Highway 61 Right-of-Way acquistion
- Interstate Dr. Phase III Right-of-Way acquistion
- West Meyer Phase II Right-of-Way acquistion
©2012 Payken Consulting LLC