Performed right-of-way acquisition services for the
   Claychester Drive Bridge Project.(City of Des Peres)
Performed right-of-way acquisition services for the
   Manchester Rd. Phase 3 Project.(City of Maplewood)
Performed contract City Engineer Services.
   (City of Green Park)
The International Plaza Dr. reconstruction project won
   the ACEC Award for Engineering Excellence in the
   storm water category utilizing the recently
   implemented MSD Clean Water standards for rain
   gardens.(City of St. Ann)
Performed engineering design services for the Mill and
   Overlay of Breckenridge Dr.(City of St. Ann)
Conducted Ameren Electric street light audit resulting
   in annual savings of $15,000.(City of St. Ann)
Oversaw demolition and redevelopment of Northwest
   Plaza Shopping Center.(City of St. Ann)
Completed construction on Green Park Rd.
   (City of Green Park)
Completed STP application for Old Green Park Rd.
   (City of Green Park)
Completed STP application for Adie Road and
   Breckenridge Dr.(City of St. Ann)
Completed construction administration for
   International Plaza Dr.(City of St. Ann)
Completed right-of-way acquisition for the Church St
   reconstruction project at a signature rate of 100%.
   (City of Wentzville)
Completed reconstruction project of Green Park
   Bridge.(City of Green Park)
Performed construction administration services for the
   Ashby Road Bridge reconstruction.(City of St. Ann)
Conducted on-going project management for the Green Park Rd. and Green Park Bridge reconstruction projects.
   (City of Green Park)
Completed right-of-way acquisition for the Mexico Road reconstruction project at a signature rate of 96.3%.
   (City of Wentzville)
Completed right-of-way acquisition for the Wentzville Parkway and Pearce Blvd. intersection lane-widening
   and signal-modification project at a signature rate of 100%.
Completed right-of-way acquistion for the Firethorn Bridge reconstruction project at a signature rate of 100%.
   (City of Des Peres)
Completed right-of-way acquistion for the Brookbend Bridge reconstruction project with a signature rate of 100%.
   (City of Des Peres)
Completed right-of-way acquisition for Green Park Rd. and Green Park Bridge reconstruction project with a
   signature rate of 100%.(City of Green Park)
Executed contract with the City of St. Ann, Missouri to assess pavement condition.
   Implemented Micropaver Pavement Management computer
   software and prepared multi-year Capital Improvement Program.
Added to the approved Vendor List for Construction Management Services by the Great Rivers Greenway District.
Right-of-Way acquisition signature rate, to date, for City of Wentzville is 93%.
Mark H. Payken certified by MODOT as a Fee Negotiator
Pitman and Pierce mill and overlay engineering design.
Old Highway 61 Right-of-Way acquistion
Interstate Dr. Phase III Right-of-Way acquistion
West Meyer Phase II Right-of-Way acquistion








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