- City of Wentzville, Missouri
- Project Management
- Peine Road Reconstruction
- West Meyer Road, Phase I Reconstruction
- West Meyer Road, Phase II Reconstruction
- Old Highway 61 Reconstruction
- Interstate Drive Phase III Construction
- West Meyer Rd. Bridge Replacement
- Construction Administration
- Peine Rd. Reconstruction
- Meyer/Bridlespur/Wentzville Parkway traffic signal
- installation
- Old Highway 61/Wentzville Parkway traffic signal
- installation
- Providence Meadows subdivision public
- improvements default
- Right-Of-Way Acquisition
- West Meyer, Phase II
- Interstate Drive, Phase III
- Old Highway 61
- Church St.
- Mexico Road
- Wentzville Pkwy and Pierce Blvd. intersection
- improvements
- City of Green Park, Missouri
- Right-of-Way Acquisition
- Green Park Road
- Green Park Bridge
- Project Management
- Green Park Road
- Green Park Bridge
- City of Des Peres, Missouri
- Right-of-Way Acquisition
- Brook Bend Bridge
- Firethorn Bridge
- Claychester Bridge
- City of St.Ann, Missouri
- Pavement Assessment
- Implementation of Micropaver Pavement Management
- software
- Creation of multi-year Capital Improvement Program
- Project Management
- Ashby Road Bridge
- International Plaza Drive Reconstruction
- City Hall and Police Department Renovation
- Cypress Corridor Study
- Construction Inspection
- International Plaza Dr.
- Ashby Rd. Bridge Replacement
- City of Crestwood, Missouri
- Roadway Reconstruction
- Garber Road
- East Watson Mill & Overlay
- Richter Lane
- Glenwood Drive
- Microsurfacing
- Numerous Streets
- Bridge Repair
- Whitecliff Park Lane Bridge
- Glenwood Drive
- Site Improvements
- Designed and constructed site improvements
- for Public Works Maintenance Facility
- City of St.Charles, Missouri
- Construction Supervision
- Supervised construction for over $15,000,000
- in subdivision improvements
- Capital Improvement Administration
- Supervised construction for over $4,000,000
- in capital improvements
- - Sanitary trunk line
- - Parking lot adjacent to Frontier Park
- - Sanitary sewer rehabilitation